CIM4.0 provides services to support companies in the digital and sustainable transition

Access to test before invest, training, technology maturity assessment, innovation counselling, intellectual property and access to finance

Financed services

Thanks to funds from the “Next Generation EU”- Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza M4C2I2.3 we provide services that are financed up to 100%, providing concrete support to Italian companies in the development of their innovation projects.
Companies can access state subsidies to obtain a support and use the resources and infrastructure made available by CIM4.0.

European Union

Micro & Small Enterprises

Contribution up to



Medium Enterprises

Contribution up to



Large Enterprises

Contribution up to


Access to services in 4 steps

Applying for subsidies is very simple, you do not have to do any reporting work

Step 1

Discover the offer and select the service you are interested in

Step 2

Get in touch with us to learn more

Step 3

Receive and evaluate our proposal

Step 4

Get the service with the invoice discount

Services catalogue

Discover the offer structured according to companies’ needs

Innovation & Venture Lab

Access to private funding

Consulenza per l’accesso a finanziamenti
Up to 70% contribution
Innovation & Venture Lab

Access to public funding

Consulenza per l’accesso a finanziamenti

Up to 70% contribution

Innovation & Venture Lab

Business model validation

Consulenza su innovazione tecnologica di processo e prodotto

Up to 80% contribution

Learning Hub

CIM4.0 Academy


Training over 24 hours
Contribution up to 85%

Innovation & Venture Lab


Consulenza per la gestione della proprietà intellettuale

Up to 70% contribution

Learning Hub

Courses catalogue


Training within 24 hours
Contribution up to 100%

Innovation & Venture Lab

Generating new business ideas

Consulenza su innovazione tecnologica di processo e prodotto

Up to 80% contribution

Innovation & Venture Lab

Market positioning analysis

Consulenza su innovazione tecnologica di processo e prodotto

Up to 80% contribution

Innovation & Venture Lab

Patent preparation

Consulenza per la gestione della proprietà intellettuale

Up to 70% contribution

Innovation & Venture Lab

Technology Assessment

Valutazione della maturità tecnologica


Innovation & Venture Lab

Technology scouting

Consulenza su innovazione tecnologica di processo e prodotto

Up to 80% contribution

Innovation & Venture Lab

Tecnology Assessment

Valutazione della maturità tecnologica

Advanced process 3D manufacturing

Our asset

The activities of CIM4.0 cover four areas: Digital Factory Pilot Line, Additive Manufacturing Pilot Line, Learning Hub, Innovation & Venture Lab.

With the in-house expertise of the team and the resources provided by partners, we provide high-level assets and skills to ensure a concrete change towards digitisation.

Fotografia della linea pilota digital a disposizione e supporto alle imprese nella transizione digitale

Digital Factory Pilot Line

Technologies, applications and services for sustainable industriy

Fotografia della linea pilota Digital Factory durante una lezione Academy, il percorso di alta formazione per l'Industria 4.0.

Learning Hub

Vertical technical courses and transversal Academy courses

Fotografia della linea pilota Additive Manufacturing a supporto delle imprese nella transizione digitale

Additive Manufacturing Pilot Line

Technologies, application and services for additive manufacturing

Immagine che rappresenta il network dell'innovazione come supporto alle imprese nella transizione digitale

Innovation & Venture Lab

Tools to support companies in digital transition and innovation


Want to discover more?

Get in touch with our Team, we look forward to meeting you to start the journey towards digital transformation!