On Friday 1st April 2022, we received the prestigious visit of Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, at the premises of CIM4.0,  in the presence of Luca Iuliano and the CEO of CIM4.0 Enrico Pisino.

It was an opportunity to show the results of the first three years of activity and to highlight the strategic role of all Competence Centers concerning applied research and innovation 4.0, which effectively created a bond between universities and companies to implement both National and European programs, such as PNRR and Horizon Europe.

Numerous institutional positions took part in the event coordinated by UI Turin, including Giorgio Marsiaj – President of Unioni Industriali Torino, Angelo Capetti – Director of Unioni Industriali Torino, Stefano Lo Russo – Mayor of Turin, Andrea Tronzano – Councilor of Piedmont Region, Raffaele Ruberto – Prefect of Turin, Guido Saracco – Rector of the Polytechnic of Turin and the vice-presidents of the UI Turin.